Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Month Nine: Progress?

We've been watching a lot of old Star Trek in the evenings, after our nightly midwife-mandated creep around the block. It's been hot here, and there's something cooling about outer space and the future.

In addition to a wide and entertaining variety of Space Unitards and Space Cocktails, the show features Captain Picard, who likes to give orders with a stern, deep, "Engage."

Well, it finally feels like the baby's been listening.

1 comment:

Nev said...

Dear Mama,
We love the daily-plus blogging.

Dear beloved niece,
You are one step closer to those who adore you before you have even shown your face. Just think how unstoppable the love will be once we've laid eyes on your gorgeousness.
Tatie N & Uncle J